Sunday, August 26, 2007


Some of the places we go to really make me hungry; Hamburg, France, they have French Fries, Francfurt and now Pizza, I mean Pisa, where we had a pizza before climbing the "Leaning Tower of Pisa".It really is on an obvious lean, not just a minor slope.

The leaning tower is actually a bell tower for the next door cathedral.

Construction work on Pisa's tower went on for nearly 200 years starting in 1173.
It's lean was imminent from the very beginning when they built a foundation on a soft sandy ground.

Recently the tilt has increased, except for a stabilizing mechanism that was put in that stops it from falling any further than it's five degree lean.
We booked our tickets and set off into the tower... where I fell over when I got in. Someone had tilted the stairs.

The stairs were circular, narrow, and off balance.

When I was climbing, I could feel the lean.

When we (mum and I) got to the top of the 360 or so stairs, mum was scared of it having such an open balcony which had a handle bar of only 1.5 metres.

That was all there was that stopped you falling off the tower.

But I convinced mum to let one hand free so we could wave to dad who was down the bottom ready to take photo's.

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